“MacGyvering” Low Cost Alternatives to Assistive Technologies | LEARN Blog – learning from each other and building a community

I contributed a blog post to the LEARN Blog. Here’s the link: “MacGyvering” Low Cost Alternatives to Assistive Technologies | LEARN Blog – learning from each other and building a community.
Québec Lower North Shore photos

Here is a gallery of some pictures that I took on my three trips (so far) to Québec’s Lower North Shore (a.k.a “The Coast”). [juicebox gallery_id=”9″]
An accessibility tip for iOS 6 users

In researching affordable OCR apps for iOS, I came across this cheap alternative using full-featured software like GoQ’s WordQ, or Kurzweil to read printed documents aloud. ABBYY’s TextGrabber for iOS ($3.99 – iTunes App Store link) does a decent job at digitizing printed text. Once the text is digitized, the “Speak Selection” accessibility feature built-in […]
A Manual focusing tip for Canon DSLR users
I am continually surprised at the new things that I learn about my camera. Despite having read much of the manual and used my Canon EOS 60D for more than 18 months, there are still a few tricks that I keep coming across. I was taking some indoor photos in low light yesterday. The autofocus […]
A collection of Montréal photos from Flickr
I’m trying out a new HTML5 gallery plugin for WordPress called Juicebox. I’ve used it here to fetch all my photos from Flickr tagged “Montreal” [juicebox gallery_id=”1″]
A bend in the path
A bend in the path Originally uploaded by robtain
Spring Chickadee
Spring Chickadee Originally uploaded by robtain
Gotcha! Manual Mode and Auto-ISO setting
Many DSLRS have an auto-ISO or auto-sensitivity feature that adjusts the ISO setting of the sensor automatically to compensate for changes in lighting conditions. This is a handy feature when in an automatic exposure or program mode, as it means that your aperture or shutter speed settings won’t be as limited by the available light. […]
Lac St-Louis HDR tone-mapped
Lac St-Louis HDR tone-mapped Originally uploaded by robtain
10 Tips on Writing from David Ogilvy | Brain Pickings
Advice on writing well: 10 Tips on Writing from David Ogilvy | Brain Pickings.