Gotcha! Manual Mode and Auto-ISO setting

Many DSLRS have an auto-ISO or auto-sensitivity feature that adjusts the ISO setting of the sensor automatically to compensate for changes in lighting conditions. This is a handy feature when in an automatic exposure or program mode, as it means that your aperture or shutter speed settings won’t be as limited by the available light. […]

Digital vs. Analog Photography: Commentary

I’ve been following an interesting conversation on the Macintouch web site and the relative merits of digital vs. analog (or “wet”) photography. As someone who learned photography on film about 30 years ago, the discussion resonates with me. While digital photography lacks some of the tactile qualities of film photography, I feel much more free […]

Visit to Snow Village

Last Saturday I made a visit to the Snow Village on Île-Ste-Hélène with a local photography meet up group. The lighting conditions were pretty challenging, but I managed to get a couple of good shots.  

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