Videomaru: A great Flash video tool

A student of mine recommended a great Flash video tool called video.Maru. It’s a component which allows a developer to create customized video players without any knowledge of ActionScript. All you have to do is create MovieClips on the stage with the correct names. I am experimenting with it now and will post some more […]

Second “shot” at a photo

Grey Nuns II  Originally uploaded by robtain Based on feedback, I went back to my downloaded images and cropped a shorter focal length version of the Grey Nuns doorway shot that I posted earlier. This version should be a little bit more balanced. I find that the effect of the door colour is diminished a […]

Experiments in Photography

Grey Nuns Originally uploaded by robtain This is a picture that I took while walking around in Montreal last week. It is the front door of the Grey Nuns convent. I pumped up the saturation a little in Aperture before posting this. I’d like to go back and redo this shot. A critique that I […]


I use to keep track of new updates for the software that I use. Some software programs seem to be updated on an almost daily basis. I can help but wonder if this is a case of “versionjacking”; issuing incremental updates so as to always be in the list of updated software.

Great Photography website

Lately I have been listening to “This Week in Photography”, a great podcast. They have a companion website at Check it out if you are interested in photography.

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